"Empowering our creative community to thrive in the evolving music industry."

The DC Music Summit is an award-winning 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization that supports creatives and industry professionals in the arts and entertainment industry especially encouraging people of color and women. We support them by fostering a positive and inclusive environment for community engagement and networking, skills and professional development, promotion, and inspiration.


We aim to cultivate ideas, skills, and relationships that will empower attendees to shape and elevate their careers, and to address key challenges they face in meeting professional goals.


Diversity - Knowledge arises when we learn new ways of thinking, and including people from all walks of life help us to better understand the world in which we live. Diversity and inclusion—especially of those historically unheard—helps us build bridges to trust, respect, and understanding across cultures and perspectives. Simply, diversity in background, skills, experiences makes music stronger.

Community - Community embodies all we do as we are inspired by, and move with, each other. We value community because it provides support as we experience daily stress, struggles, and chaos that often comes with an arts entrepreneurial life. Having support enables us to achieve our goals. No one can do this alone!

Mastery - As we work towards the mastery and versatility of our crafts, and commit to routine practice and creative processes, we become a flowing force. As we commit to developing skills and concepts, we build a strong foundation for learning new things and achieving our goals. Self-esteem increases when we master our material. Those we are trying to reach will more easily and meaningfully receive our message. Never stop learning!

Service - Music—like all arts—are expressions and service to our inner souls, which in turn serve others. As we support our community, and as we develop ourselves as businesses and organizations, we must dedicate ourselves to self care, so we may uplift those who need us. So that our art can provide emotional and spiritual support to audiences far and wide. Good business is personal, and we believe in serving the community because it then serves us.

Meet the Team